Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Day 1

I'm a complete blogging idiot. This is my second take of my second blog. The first one I lost altogether... literally, I started a blog somewhere but cannot remember where. Then, I got to work on this one and forgot to save changes before I moved screens.

So, take two.

I envision this as a place to muse about writing and agrian life. Currently we have one Great Pyr pup (Paks); 6 ducklings (three Rouens and 3 Pekins - all unnamed as of yet) and four cats.

Writing wise my primary WIP is getting the first draft of Cedar Creek Chronicles done. I joined the
April Fools as an added incentive. The goal is to have the first draft completed 30 April. I gave up Kempo last night to stay at home and work on it. That was hard - but not too bad because I was too tired to make the drive back into town. If there was something I could do while I'm already here it would be SOOO much easier.