Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Day 3

And then there were five.

So, one of the Pekins got picked off during the night. We found her a distance from the house. Bummer - security measures will be in effect tonight - including the great pyr sleeping in the adjoining pen.

Still struggling with the WIP issue. I started one and got about 20 pages of a good outline but, it sucked. It wasn't what it was supposed to be and I was trying to twist and shape it so, I took a deep breath and relegated it to a different folder so that I could start again; this time keeping with my original vision. So far so good. I'm only on page three (very abridged) so that I can put more energy in works that are possibly going to make it beyond rough sketches!!!

The other thing I have started to do is look at other genres I have been drawn towards but... ahem... didn't consider serious lit (like romance). Of course, I prefer to write fantasy first and foremost so I'm not sure who I was trying to impress with not writing romance. Anyway, I have a couple of plots worked out and plan to keep on with it. And I have a confession - I love it.


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