Sunday, October 02, 2005

So, I am reaaaallllly bad at this....

It's been months since I last posted; blame it on dial up. We live so far from civilization that we don't have (and likely will never have) broadband. As such, non essential online activities (like blogging) are saved for when I am in town at work. Consequently, they never happen.

I'm crabby - sitting in a dark and silent house just now. My big goof Great Pyr has done her 'disapyring' act. I can't go and look for her because I am single parenting tonight and so I am leaving all exterior lights on and interior off in an effort to see her when she comes meandering back home. She has done this before and it freaks me out less each time but last time she got quite badly cut. I'm used to homebody dogs - this is new and yucky and not something I will put myself through again. I love 97% of her - even the slobber - but this I cannot live with in a second dog.

HOORAY!!! She is home again and I am relieved. Wet, muddy and hungry and uninjured.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Day 3

And then there were five.

So, one of the Pekins got picked off during the night. We found her a distance from the house. Bummer - security measures will be in effect tonight - including the great pyr sleeping in the adjoining pen.

Still struggling with the WIP issue. I started one and got about 20 pages of a good outline but, it sucked. It wasn't what it was supposed to be and I was trying to twist and shape it so, I took a deep breath and relegated it to a different folder so that I could start again; this time keeping with my original vision. So far so good. I'm only on page three (very abridged) so that I can put more energy in works that are possibly going to make it beyond rough sketches!!!

The other thing I have started to do is look at other genres I have been drawn towards but... ahem... didn't consider serious lit (like romance). Of course, I prefer to write fantasy first and foremost so I'm not sure who I was trying to impress with not writing romance. Anyway, I have a couple of plots worked out and plan to keep on with it. And I have a confession - I love it.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Day 2

Ok - you know something isn't right with your life when Day 2 is a month and a half after Day 1.

Anyway, in the last 6 weeks we have chicks grow into adult ducks, starting building tree houses, puppy is still a pup – but a huge pup (fortunately she’s not biting so much!), a small garden’s in and a thoughtful spot for the little guy has been built at the front of the house. I have also had a major hospitalization – a result of Crohn’s Disease – and am still recovering. I may have to take an extended leave from work to manage this… sadly.

So, it’s been busy. The flip side of the chaos has been that I have had a bit more time for writing. Red Tree continues to drag; I think it’s become my ‘one day’ novel. I have been putting a lot of energy into my time travel novel – no title yet, but about 10000, excluding word building and thinking about my mercenary girl novel.

I was thrilled to read a few blogs about romance/erotica writing that brought the merc girl WIP to mind. I had wondered about writing it with an eye to submitting it to Luna, but it wanted to be fairly erotic and I wasn’t sure how that would fit. Now I see they are getting into more erotic stuff and I am thrilled.

So, there is the update, no words of wisdom, no zen thoughts…

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Day 1

I'm a complete blogging idiot. This is my second take of my second blog. The first one I lost altogether... literally, I started a blog somewhere but cannot remember where. Then, I got to work on this one and forgot to save changes before I moved screens.

So, take two.

I envision this as a place to muse about writing and agrian life. Currently we have one Great Pyr pup (Paks); 6 ducklings (three Rouens and 3 Pekins - all unnamed as of yet) and four cats.

Writing wise my primary WIP is getting the first draft of Cedar Creek Chronicles done. I joined the
April Fools as an added incentive. The goal is to have the first draft completed 30 April. I gave up Kempo last night to stay at home and work on it. That was hard - but not too bad because I was too tired to make the drive back into town. If there was something I could do while I'm already here it would be SOOO much easier.